[nycphp-talk] Draft of tutorial on creating rich web applications with XUL and PHP posted

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Thu Jul 1 12:00:22 EDT 2004

Ajai Khattri |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> Chris Snyder wrote:
>> I'm with Joel on this one -- I had no idea that XUL could be used to 
>> provide client-side apps embedded in a web page. 
> You mean, you've never seen this?
I was watching this in the Python world  (see Luxor and others) last 
year. Sourceforge has had alot of activity in XUL-based UI stuff, some 
of it tied to server side (Luxilla, etc).

I agree it would be good to have a talk, but can it be more in-depth in 
the PHP tie in?
Off the cuff ideas:

- enhanced site functionality for Mozilla browsers (example of coding 
interactive pages for IE and Mozilla, where Mozilla is the preferred 
browser for powerful reasons)
(instad of all the reasons NOT to use IE< how about some reasons TO use 

-XUL as authenticated JS - a long JS program becomes a very short, 
easily inspected one, that pulls the bulk of it's instructions from my 
PHP server (which is trusted). Doesn't this eliminate much of the 
security concerns about js client side?


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