[nycphp-talk] PHP Scales, Our Chris Shiflett gets /.'d

Tim Gales tgales at
Sat Jul 3 11:20:17 EDT 2004

I wrote that  
> Joel De Gan writes
> > Java "duuudes" on slashdot pounce all over anything PHP..
> > Any PHP article on there will have 300 of them mention how
> > Java is better because of "x" etc.. 
> The 'x' that they almost invariably mention is 
> threading -- something which if not done with 
> the utmost of care will actually act as a
> deterrent to scalability.

As a footnote, as nearly as I can make out, 
Java does not automagically do threading 
with the 'utmost of care' I am talking about.

Java programmers I know are fond of saying 
things like: "That's the beauty of Java -- all 
threading is taken care of for you."

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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