[nycphp-talk] Happy 7th of July... Sort of

Michael R. McLarnon mmclar at
Wed Jul 7 11:23:08 EDT 2004

I have an idea:
1. Find a patch to make IE correctly display .PNG's
2. Add code on your website that takes advantage of one of IE's security 
holes to install that patch on visitors' browsers.
3. Voila! Now your users can see your graphics correctly.

Turn that bug into a feature!

(Note: I originally meant this humorously, but now I am really curious 
as to whether it could be done.)

Brian Pang wrote:

>Agreed that png is better, but sadly not as well supported (or else I'm
>not doing something right).
>I can't seem to get a transparent png to be transparent in IE. Of
>course, it's fine in Mozilla.
>>  You could try to get to the bottom of all this, or you could just give 
>>up and use the vastly superior png format.

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