[nycphp-talk] Multidimensional Arrays?

Jose Villegas jv_nyphp at
Wed Jul 7 17:03:50 EDT 2004

what about something like this:

$all_teams = array(
	'TEAM 1' => array(
		'Year 1' => 8,
		'Year 2' => 9,
		'Year 3' => 22
	'TEAM 2' => array(
		'Year 1' => 18,
		'Year 2' => 94,
		'Year 3' => 12

$year1 = 0;
$year2 = 0;
$year3 = 0;

foreach ($all_teams as $next_array)
	$year1 += $next_array['Year 1'];
	$year2 += $next_array['Year 2'];
	$year3 += $next_array['Year 3'];


On Jul 7, 2004, at 1:14 PM, harvey wrote:

> Hello,
> I have code that loops through the database and outputs something like 
> the
> following:
> TEAM 1
> Year 1    Year 2     Year 3
> 8         9          22
> TEAM 2
> Year 1     Year 2     Year 3
> 18         94         12
> TEAM 3
> Year 1     Year 2     Year 3
> 23         44         45
> Year 1     Year 2     Year 3
> ??         ??         ??
> I can't figure out how to easily get the ?? totals. I think I want a 
> major
> array of three minor arrays (I probably just invented my own 
> vocabulary):
> the major array would increment by one each year; the three minor 
> arrays
> would hold the Year 1 values, Year 2 values, and Year 3 values.
> Conceptually, it would be something like $all_teams[$year_id][ ]. Is
> something like that possible? I know that php allows multidimensional
> arrays, but I guess I don't know the proper syntax or usage.
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Harvey

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