[nycphp-talk] OT: Pros and cons of PGP Desktop software for email encryption....

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu Jul 8 01:33:55 EDT 2004

Fee, Patrick J (US SSA) wrote:

>Estemmed list memebers,
>I need your help.  Once again I have been toosed into the deep end of an issue that is new to me.  WHile I enjoy learning new things... and explaining things to others is a great way to understand it yourself ... I need to turn to my professional brethren (and sistern?) to fill in the gaps.
>A property law firm I support has been approached by one of their professional organizations to buy into PGP's Desktop software to encrypt emails.  Certain lending institutions (e.g.:Wells Fargo)are starting to require encrypted email correspondence.

I use Thunderbird and Enigmail (the GPG extension). It works well. You 
might want to
verify the compatibility of GPG with PGP Desktop 8.x   I had an issue 
with incomptibility
between GPG and PGP's Universal Server (encryption proxy appliance).

Read up on stuff at

If you can get away with SMIME key's, Thawte's free email certs are easy 
to use.


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