[nycphp-talk] PHP-related book comments

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Tue Jul 13 15:41:51 EDT 2004

Mitch Pirtle |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> John Lacey wrote:
>> So, before I send an email to these guys, is there anything else I 
>> should point out?
> I don't know a more secure scripting language than python - but other 
> than that I can write shoddy code in just about any language you 
> want.  It is not only a disservice to the people that put so much 
> effort into creating a language and give it away for free, but to 
> anyone who is considering using that language in the future.  This 
> sadly sounds like a perl/c programmer's typical and monotonous 
> language-specific troll.
> -- Mitch, feeling rather rambunctious
> _______________________________________________

Them's fightin words.... perhaps a class-action lawsuit for tortuous 
interference, brought by NewYork PHP on behalf of PHP consultants and 
programmers worldwide?


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