[nycphp-talk] PHP Scales, Our Chris Shiflett gets /.'d

Sol sol2ray at
Wed Jul 14 09:27:05 EDT 2004

--- George Schlossnagle <george at> wrote:
> The analogy was supposed to mean that it's
> meaningless to say that PHP 
> is intrinsically horizontally scalable when
> necessary components of the 
> majority of applications aren't intrinsically
> horizontally scalable.  
> PHP isn't the application (neither is Java).  The
> discussion should 
> really be about 'applications written in 
> (Java|PHP|Python|Lisp|OCaml|foo)' which is what I
> think most people are 
> talking about when they talk about the scalability
> of language X.
> Or at least that's what they should be talking
> about. :)

It seems that everyone agree on the meaning of
"scalability" but not "WHERE" and "HOW" to apply it.
Can an expert weight in here?

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