[nycphp-talk] Basic security question

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Jul 14 15:46:34 EDT 2004

Paul Reinheimer wrote:

>Every attack wether web or otherwise I have heard about starts with
>learning as much as you can about the target's systems, then seeking
>to exploit some either known or unknown security holes in the software
>that system is running.
>Knowing that, why reveal anything? Make the potential attacker work
>for every peice of information they want. Set the apache server string
>to claim it is some recent release of IIS, tell all the services not
>to advertise they are running, save your .php files as .exe and tell
>apache just to interpret apropriatly. etc. Obviously if you choose to
>run some off the shelf application (ie phpBB) you will let the cat out
>of the bag, but seperating it to a subdomain may only add to the
>Does anyone see any real advantage to this approach?

This is called 'security through obscurity', and can be effective as 
part of a LAYERED approach, but certainly cannot achieve better results 
than hardened operating systems and carefully configured application 

-- Mitch

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