[nycphp-talk] Basic security question

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Wed Jul 14 18:47:03 EDT 2004

Phillip Powell |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> I am getting the impression that the reason for my "outside status" 
> from an e-psychological approach comes from the fact that, from what I 
> can tell of your postings here, you guys are PHP developers with 
> extensive networking and engineering backgrounds for large public 
> sectors..
> I happen to be a PHP/ASP/TCL/Javascript web application developer with 
> no networking and engineering background for small private and 
> governmental sectors.. no matter 98% of what you all talk about 
> projects so far over my head it orbits Titan!
> But if anything, I do know that *nix, though currently more airtight 
> against the wave of viral assaults than M$ solutions, is not fully 
> accepted (but getting there) in the federal universe.
> Phil

I suspect it is more about "how" people learn than "what" people already 

I'd rather play squash with an expert who beats my ass every time than a 
newbie at the same skill level as me.

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