[nycphp-talk] PHP5 on K5

David Sklar sklar at
Thu Jul 15 22:08:52 EDT 2004

John Lacey wrote:

> Michael R. McLarnon wrote:
>> There is a long article on that just hit the front page, 
>> in response to the release of 5.  It has a nice little tutorial, and 
>> even goes into OO and what is new in this release.  My favorite quote:
>> "The syntax of PHP looks like the offspring of a drunken alley-fondle 
>> between C and Perl."
> Once you get past the "emotional" part, it's a somewhat interesting 
> piece.  I would be more interested in what the Convissors, Shifletts, 
> Sklars, Tractenbergs and Zauneres and other people of that technical 
> caliber on this list have to say...

I must admit to being underwhelmed by this article. I am not sure what 
the author's point(s) was/were. New PHP 5 features make it possible to 
write non-web apps in PHP? Heavily OO PHP 5 code looks a lot like Java?

I suppose if today is the first time you are taking a look at PHP 5, 
then these might seem like notable and mildly amazing aspects of it, but 
  otherwise they don't seem too surprising. PHP-GTK and the cli SAPI 
have been around for a while; the PHP 5 OO syntax has been available for 
perusal for plenty of time as well.

A more interesting area for PHP futurology, IMHO, is whether future 
versions of PHP will run on the Zend Engine (v2 or a future version), 
Parrot, or the CLR.


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