[nycphp-talk] A little network help

LeeEyerman at LeeEyerman at
Fri Jul 16 00:01:22 EDT 2004

I have a ton of PHP and MySQL experience and I have decided to put a little  
network in my apartment.  So I got my Linux box, I have two windows boxes,  I 
have a single static IP, a Cisco router, and a manual?  Can anyone give  me 
some pointers?  A path in the right direction?
1) What Linux should I use?  I have a free distribution of Red Hat  9?  Is 
Fedora better?  Any advice?
2) Currently my router is dynamically assigning TCP/IP #'s to each  machine.  
I know I have to set this up differently.  I want the linux  box to be a http 
server, ftp, email, etc, and I want the windows boxes to have  access to the 
net.  Any suggestions on how I should do this?  I think  I have to setup a 
DNS, but with only one static IP I think this gets  tricky.  Any assistance would 
be greatly appreciated.
3) Also, when I unpack RPM distributions and the RPM needs a library, where  
is the best place to find it.  And if you can't find it what do you  do.  For 
example, I was trying to install PICO under Red Hat and it kept  asking for  I check the web but could not find it.   Any help?
Thanks so much!
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