[nycphp-talk] php extensions

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Tue Jul 20 10:34:53 EDT 2004

On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:45:02PM -0400, Mark Withington wrote:
> Thanks everyone.  I thought .htaccess was the way to go, and even had a
> guess at the syntax (which everyone graciously confirmed), but I'm still
> coming up empty.  Unfortunately, earthlink has been no help identifying
> where the problem is.  They have assured me that AddType is not a restricted
> directive in their .htaccess files.  If anyone else has a guess, would love
> to hear it.

With a little trial an error, you might be able to convert everything to .php4.
You can try something like this as a last resort:

    rename .php .php4 *.php
    perl -p -i.php -e 's/\.php/.php4/g' *.php4

It keeps backups for you, with the original name.  But you'd better keep
backups anyway just to be safe. ;-)


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