[nycphp-talk] xdebug & apache 2

David Sklar sklar at
Wed Jul 21 17:49:47 EDT 2004

>> The xdebug stuff doesn't have to be in the "[Zend]" section of 
>> php.ini, BTW.
> do you have a particular preference for it's "location"?

I usually end up putting it just below all of the extension lines that 
load various extensions, but that's just because I'm lazy. :)

>> Do you see xdebug listed in phpinfo() output? (whether or not remote 
>> debugging is working)
> No... and I see the Optimizer both in the table section next to the 
> "powered by Zend Engine2", etc. and also further down alphabetically... 
> but, I DON'T see xdebug and the path to the xdebug.dll seems ok

If xdebug doesn't show up in phpinfo() output, then you're definitely 
not going to get any remote debugging. Do you have a debug build of PHP? 
  If so, you need to use zend_extension_debug_ts in php.ini instead of 

What happens when you run php.exe -m from the command line?


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