[nycphp-talk] xdebug & apache 2

John Lacey jlacey at
Wed Jul 21 19:01:29 EDT 2004

thanks, David... I just wanted to make doubly sure someone had actually 
run that combination on a windows box

David Sklar wrote:

> John Lacey wrote:
>> David Sklar wrote:
>>> Do you see xdebug listed in phpinfo() output? (whether or not remote 
>>> debugging is working)
>> while I'm off doing a few other things like eating dinner... have you 
>> or anyone else run xdebug with php5 and apache 2?   I think all the 
>> variables were covered, especially when you mentioned xdebug 2 using 
>> port 9000-- that was the only glitch I saw.  From looking at the 
>> mailing lists, it looks like xdebug2 has been working fine 
>> with php5, but I saw no mention of apache 2 anywhere.  And I'm not 
>> too sure if "no news is good news" here  :)
> Yes -- My setup is Apache 2.0.49 with PHP 5.0.0 on WinXP. Apache 
> invokes PHP via FastCGI.
> David
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