[nycphp-talk] can anyone recommend a good captcha?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Thu Jul 22 11:29:22 EDT 2004

Hi Joel:

On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 12:49:38PM -0400, Joel De Gan wrote:
> Which solves a lot of the issues I dealt with in breaking captchas on
> various sites to automate singins etc.

By "solves a lot of issues" do you mean those involved with having a 
computer doing character recognition on the image itself?

I trust you're familliar with the technique of a cracker bot taking your 
CAPTCHA and serving it up on some other high-traffic website where some 
unsuspecting person enters the value which the cracker bot then submits to 
your site.  It doesn't look like that's addressed here.

Either way, can you elaborate on the steps you took?



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