[nycphp-talk] xdebug & apache 2

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Thu Jul 22 12:36:44 EDT 2004

John Lacey |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> David Sklar wrote:
>>> Do you see xdebug listed in phpinfo() output? (whether or not remote 
>>> debugging is working)
> rather than start a new topic:
> I got xdebug2 working with a remote_port change to 17869 after 
> rebooting and reinstalling XAMPP on my notebook.  Had to turn off the 
> Zend Optimizer as I discovered xdebug cannot run with another zend 
> extension.  Also, in downloading a fresh php_xdebug.dll from 
> win32/PECL_UNSTABLE I ran into an "API mismatch" problem, so the fresh 
> reboot and fresh XAMPP install solved that.  So, I'm running with 
> PHP5, Apache2.0.50, xdebug2 (ver 2.0.0 dev) on a win2k pro box.
> Once the debugclient connected, I got to a (cmd) prompt only after 
> setting a breakpoint to {main}, and then typing "run".  Setting a 
> file:line breakpoint didn't work for me, although a show-breakpoints 
> said the file:line break had been set ok.   I could not reach another 
> breakpoint in my small test script even though I had set one and typed 
> "continue" after breaking at {main}.  e.g. break xdebugtest.php:5 -- 
> and show_breakpoints indicated that breakpoint was set.  Other cmds, 
> like "eval", "step", "next" worked fine.  The "list" cmd seemed a 
> little flaky to me, but after psyching it out, e.g. "list 2 5" worked 
> ok.  Sometimes typing just "list" would not output anything as if the 
> "list counter" didn't have anything else to display (xdebugtest script 
> is 12 lines).  Your xdebug section in the PHP Tools book helped a 
> lot.  It would be nice if xdebug(2) allowed a cmd that showed the 
> current php IP, like "show-current".   I did not find any way to set a 
> variable, only examine it -- can you confirm this?
> Moving on, the only way I could get a breakpoint other than {main} to 
> work was to add an "xdebug_break()" call in my script.  That worked 
> just fine and a "bt" showed the xdebug_break() and the {main} break.  
> "show-local" worked as advertised, but when looking at phpinfo(), 
> "xdebug.show_local_vars" directive was "Off". hmm.....  BTW, I did 
> find a reference to port 9000 in the DBGP docs.
> thanks for all your help,
> John

Thanks for the minutia. XDebug ackowledges incompatibility with any  
(other?) Zend extensions, but seems to suggest the problem may be 
surmountable. I wonder about that... Is there a fundamental reason why a 
PHP debugger could not function alongside the Zend Optimizer ?

I haven't seen any profilers claim compatibility with Zend optimizer, 
and two that specifically state they are *not* compatible with Zend 
extensions (I understand there's extra work involved in making an 
extension compatible with other Zend extensions, and to get the order 
right, but wonder if itis perhaps not possible to profile with the Zend 
optimizer running?)

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