[nycphp-talk] $_SESSION, session_unset(), unset($_SESSION['var']), register_globals and the PHP Manual

John Lacey jlacey at
Fri Jul 23 17:58:48 EDT 2004

Daniel Convissor wrote:
> <?php
> unset($_SESSION['Phil']);
> header('Location:');
> ?>

A little over 10 years ago after leaving McDATA Corp. here in Colorado 
where I worked as a [maintenance] software engineer I made a phone call 
to one of the company's founders.  His name is Bruce Walsh, retired and 
playing golf now probably.  Well, Bruce was one of the sharpest tech 
people I've ever known and I worked with him from time-to-time on some 
pretty hairy IBM Channel and SNA software timing problems.  He wrote the 
channel code, the kernel, and was principal architect as well as mentor 
to many of the engineers.  I maintained the SNA code along with LAN &
WAN (SDLC) subsystems.
So much for the background.  What I called him about was to thank him 
for the times he helped me and for not making fun of the fact that I'm 
slow and have to struggle through information.

I'm 58 years old now and I will never forget Bruce's kindness and 

There's a lot of sharp people on this list and I sure appreciate them. 
Then there's the rest of us :)


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