[nycphp-talk] Digital Signatures in PHP

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Jun 2 20:24:10 EDT 2004


I'm trying to figure out the best way to create digital signatures in 
PHP.  I'm not picky about interoperability as the purpose is purely to 
tell if someone has tampered with a given file.

The openssl_sign and openssl_verify functions look like exactly what I'm 
after but the manual warns they are experimental and not to be 
I'm asking if anyone has already solved this problem, or has used the 
openssl functions successfully.

I could just do the hashing myself and use the openssl_encrypt/decrypt 
functions which don't seem to be marked experimental, but that just 
smacks of effort, and doesn't seem too efficient either.

My other thought was mcrypt, but it only seems to support symmetrical 
ciphers which don't really help me out.

I'd appreciate any advice you can give me,

Dan Cech

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