[nycphp-talk] Posting data to PayPal from a script using sockets

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Wed Jun 9 15:48:55 EDT 2004

Is this from the actual dev toolkit they provide?  I had issues with 
various scripts I came across until I used their stuff ...

(However on a side note since being the victim of a chargeback scam Ive 
dropped PayPal altogether, seller beware :-\ )

- Jon

On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 03:35:41PM -0400, William E. Fisher wrote:
> Despite being logged into developer central, I receive the message "To access the PayPal Sandbox, please log in to PayPal Developer Central. " rather than the payment details page. No activity is recorded in the seller's account, and my ipn script at the notify_url is not hit.
> Is someone familiar enough with either using sockets or using paypal that he/she might be able to provide some direction or a solution?
> Any help will be much, much, much appreciated.
> Thank you.

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