[nycphp-talk] dynamic string manipulation when web serving -, best practices and ideas?

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Fri Jun 11 12:41:24 EDT 2004


I would say that the easiest way to do this would be to use (the 
built-in PHP function) str_replace() after you have run the query.

For example, suppose you have the following table:

id | title | desc
1  | bob   | nickname

Your goal is to replace "bob" with "Robert" when it appears in the title 

So, a PHP function runs the following query:
SELECT title FROM mytable WHERE id='1'


Then , you do something like:
$title = str_replace("bob", "Robert", $title);

Later, if you want "bob" to be replaced with "Roberta", you could just do:
$title = str_replace("bob", "Roberta", $title);

I know my answer seems a bit simplistic; I hope I understood the nature 
of your question correctly - perhaps their are more complex replacement 
that you'd like to do.

In any case, PHP has more than enough search and replace features - so I 
would do the replacement from within PHP (and not in the SQL query or 

Best Regards,

- Jay

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