[nycphp-talk] Skinable, portable desktop apps in PHP, tutorial and sourcecode

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Jun 15 08:51:32 EDT 2004

Speaking of which, does any use Glade for UI for php-gtk?  

Alot of the docs/info seem to be lacking for php-gtk but Im assuming they 
are relative to normal Gnome/GTK docs that already exist, is that correct?

I was reading over Andrei's blog and there seems to be only one book (in 
Spanish) in regards to PHP-GTK, is it covered in depth anywhere else? (I 
have not bought Essentials yet).

It would seem nice to have libglade bundled, am I wrong?

- Jon   

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 03:05:59AM -0400, Jon Baer wrote:
> Uggg I sat up all night mucking around with glib crap and finally got back to where I 
> was and compiled it, it is very cool + Im going to embark on GUI-land stuff ... a few 
> brief thoughts:

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