[nycphp-talk] Zend PHP Certification

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Sun Jun 20 00:00:04 EDT 2004

--- Tim Gales <tgales at> wrote:
> I would agree with you that is not solely Zend's idea 
> of certification -- there are indeed many people who have 
> done a *lot* for PHP who agree there should be some sort of 
> standard set for being a PHP programmer.

I think Daniel is referring to the fact that Zend hired these people as
consultants to help create the certification.

> But what I am saying is that I find it hard to put 
> much stock in the value of a certification for a 
> simple language which can be learned in an afternoon -- 
> it doesn't make any sense.

I would put a considerable amount of money against this. I know a lot of
talented programmers, and those who don't know PHP could not pass this
certification if given only a 24 hour notice. PHP interoperates with many
technologies, so the certification is broader than you might be thinking.

> The language is great. I love it. But it is just a tool.

And this is just a certification.

> I have never seen an accountant's business card 
> that says: 'Microsoft Excel Certified'

This analogy doesn't work very well. When hiring an accountant, I can't
imagine anyone caring what tools are used. However, with most technology
projects, people do care. Have you seen a job announcement that simply
asks for a skilled and experienced Web application developer? I haven't.

> Now would you have the web development community 
> believe that it would be of value to have 
> something like: 'ZEND Certified in PHP' 
> (or something to that effect) on *their* 
> business cards?

I wouldn't measure the value of a certification according to whether
people would want it on a business card. I think a resume is a more common
and appropriate place for this.

> Further, you make it sound like anybody who is 
> anybody in the PHP world is behind this initiative.

I think that's a misinterpretation. He is just trying to make it clear
that Zend did not create this by themselves.

> Some proponents for Perl certification described 
> the vote at an OSCON meeting as being 100 to 7 
> in favor of certification.
> The reality is that half of the people to whom 
> the vote was put were 'noticeably silent' in that 
> they abstained from voting.

Rather than wasting time trying to predict opinions, Zend is doing
something, and people will have a chance to voice their opinions with
their wallets. I'm sure their voices will be heard.


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