[nycphp-talk] PHP functions constantly produce false until I reboot server???

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Mon Jun 21 19:31:24 EDT 2004

just a thought, wouldn't happen to have been playing with php5 on that box 
would you? i know this was a function that was subject to change to use the 
entire string and will yield false in the result now ... 

its @ the top of the README in the php5 root directory.

should log the needle for a while to see what your are actually throwing into 
it ...

- jon

On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 03:55:54PM -0400, Phillip Powell wrote:
> Has anyone else had problems with PHP versions 4.3.2 in RH 7.3 whereby 
> the most basic of PHP functions fail such as:
> echo strrpos('wwwwwww', 'w');
> produces false??
> However, if I do a complete server reboot, everything is just fine?  
> This has happened here on our server here at work off and on for weeks 
> now and I'd like to know what is causing this to occasionally occur, if 
> anyone else ever run into anything like this.

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