[nycphp-talk] connecting to oracle w/ php

David Vogel d at
Tue Jun 22 10:50:15 EDT 2004

Just wondering if anyone with experience using php to connect to an 
oracle server has any insight into a problem I'm having.

using PHP 4.3.2 on apache 1.3.27 to connect to oracle 8i on win2k
OCIlogon() connects successfully but only after about 30 seconds.

I never done much with oracle and I suspected a server config problem, 
but the oracle guys from the company (diebold, ugh) who set up the 
server disagree so I'm wondering if there are any known problems to 
watch out for w/ php, env vars that may be set wrong or something like 
that.  I'm pretty sure it's not a network problem or anything, 
connecting from diebold's front end is very fast, only having probs from 
www script.  Thoughts?


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