[nycphp-talk] 21 Rules of Thumb - How Microsoft develops its Software

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Fri Jun 25 15:36:34 EDT 2004

Hans Zaunere |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>I know, let's keep the Microsoft bashing banter to a minimum... he does
>make some excellent points, learned from working on some of the most
>complex code ever created.
I disagree wholeheartedly (and it has nothing to do with bashing). I 
don't see a single excellent point, and I see a ton of misguided 
concepts. He's either a dreamer, delusional, or just a 
glass-half-empty-means-someone's-not-thirsty-anymore optimist with 
little real evidence supporting his "credentials".

Name one instance where M$ released "great software on time" or for that 
matter even "software on time".  Not once I can determine.

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