[nycphp-talk] Gif -> Png or Jpeg

Rolan Yang rolan at
Mon Jun 28 20:56:47 EDT 2004

Are you outputting as png or jpg? When downconverting to 256 colors, you 
might experience pallete rot.
Try $imgtype="'jpg";


Kshitij Bedi wrote:

>This code works very well, though for images that have any black in them
>which originally have a white background
>the background of the converted image turns black. What to do there?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rolan Yang [mailto:rolan at]
>Here's a snippet of code from stuff i use. Hope it helps:
>$im=@ImageCreateFromjpeg($imgurl))    or      
>if ($imgtype=="jpg") {imagejpeg($im,'',85);} else 
>Kshitij Bedi wrote:
>>Any Ideas on converting Gif to Png or Jpeg using PHP GD?

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