[nycphp-talk] Anyone here ever use phpDocumentor?

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Jun 29 11:53:08 EDT 2004

Phillip Powell writes:
"Anyone here ever use phpDocumentor?"

"Has anyone ever used this documenting tool before, 
if so, I could use a bit more guidance than the 
tutorials seem to give."

You run phpDocumentor cli style from a 
script ( such as a .bat file in windows -- 
from a command line prompt)

I will try and spare everyone all the 
gruesome details of my particular 
batch file and just note some lines 
from it (the .bat file) which may be 
of interest to you.

  SET phpCli=J:\php\cli\php.exe
ECHO Select Ini-File [default is phpDocumentor.ini]
ECHO # 0: phpDocumentor.ini
SET count=0
FOR /R user %%I IN (*.ini) DO (
  SET /a count+=1
  CALL :exec ECHO # %%count%%: %%~nI%%~xI

:: SET /P prompts for input and sets the variable
:: to whatever the user types
SET iniNr=
SET /P iniNr=Type a number and press Enter[0]:

::  Use default
IF '%iniNr%'=='' (
  SET iniNr=0


"%phpCli%" phpdoc -c "%iniFile%"

Hope that points you in the right 

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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