[nycphp-talk] The Difference Between OutSourcing and OpenSourcing is More Than a Few Letters

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Jun 29 18:53:28 EDT 2004

I just don't get it.

Why would companies who are being held 
hostage by closed source consulting 
companies want to take on the new burdens 
of creating super explicit level of 
service requirements (sometimes down 
to the module level) and reams and 
reams of technical specifications;  
and then later create acceptance test 
plans which cover minutia.

Why not redirect that effort toward 
creating functional requirements which 
can be used to determine a close match 
to an existing open source product?

If you are going to have to shift your 
focus from code creating to code reviewing 
(for security, quality, etc.) why not use that 
energy on open source code?

I think that this outsourcing thing is 
just a faze. Companies will wake up and 
see that working with Open Source code is 
much more cost effective than getting 
caught up with more closed source code -- 
even when that closed source code is done 
cheaper offshore.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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