[nycphp-talk] Off Topic: International Outsourcing

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Tue Jun 29 21:02:00 EDT 2004

Ajai Khattri |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> Alan T. Miller wrote:
>> As for me, I am working very hard to get away from being a developer for
>> obvious reasons. The way I see it, you can never compete with someone 
>> who is
>> happy to work for less than you feel you are worth. So I plan to 
>> shift focus
>> myself, and get out while the getting is good.
> I have been thinking along the same lines myself. Many times I have 
> fanatasized about just getting out of IT completely and go work on a 
> farm or something equally unrelated (Hell, plumbers make more money 
> per hour in NYC than programmers!).
That is the new American entrpreneur. Do it... stop talking about it. 
You know why?

Because once you become a "farmer" you will see how the farming business 
operates. You will learn how it manages risk, how it manages information 
flow, and how it squeezes profits from the channel, the market, the 
government. Then you will see opportunity -- in deploying IT within farming.

You will start to deploy IT in new inovative ways, as a "farmer". Pretty 
soon you will be carvig out a new niche, and the other farmers will be 
following your lead, and the IT revolution will extend deeper into 
farming because of you. And then one day, you will look at the racks of 
servers you have built up in your barn, and say "I'm thinking of getting 
out of IT.... perhaps moving far away and becoming  arafting travel 

I am hopeful everyone working for someone else in IT will see the light 
before they are 45 years old, and go their own way. If you are willing 
to take the risk of chucking it all to become a farmer, why not take the 
lesser risk of chucking the job to go it on your own?


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