[nycphp-talk] The Difference Between OutSourcing and OpenSourcing is More Than a Few Letters

Faber Fedor faber at
Tue Jun 29 21:35:13 EDT 2004

On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 06:53:28PM -0400, Tim Gales wrote:
> I just don't get it.
> Why would companies who are being held 
> hostage by closed source consulting 
> companies want to take on the new burdens 
> of creating super explicit level of 
> service requirements (sometimes down 
> to the module level) and reams and 
> reams of technical specifications;  
> and then later create acceptance test 
> plans which cover minutia.
> I think that this outsourcing thing is 
> just a faze. 

You may be closer than you think.  A potential client I Was talking to
is married to a VP of a large comapny.  We were discussing outsourcing
and he mentioned (implying that the VPs were thinking this way) that
outsourcing was being used to drop salary requirements for techs; move
work offshore, lay off people, salaries drop, then bring the work back on
shore hire the techies at much lower prices.

Now, I'm not the type to wear tin-foil hats but I'm seriously thinking
about it. :-)

BTW, does anyone know of a successful off-shored project that wasn't
brought back on-shore because it was a disaster?  I've never heard of


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