[nycphp-talk] Draft of tutorial on creating rich web applications with XUL and PHP posted

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Wed Jun 30 21:52:32 EDT 2004

Hello all,

I just posted the first draft of a tutorial on creating rich web 
applications using PHP, MySQL, XUL, JavaScript and XML-RPC to my weblog.

I have been working on it for some time now, and wanted to post a draft 
of it in order to get some feedback.

It is a three part series with a large introductory section for people 
who are not that familiar with the technologies and background of what 
the article is about.

It is currently in an unfinished state, but I wanted to get it out there 
early to solicit feedback and make corrections.

It comes with code (and a live demo) of a fortune cookie application 
(whose interface is written in XUL). You can fetch a random cookie, list 
all cookies, or add a cookie using this web application.

The main post about it is here:

The live demo is at:

Please let me know what you think (good or bad).

Best Regards,

- Jay Sheth

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