[nycphp-talk] MVC Framework opinions

Eric Rank erank at
Mon Mar 1 17:48:56 EST 2004

I'm looking into using an Model View Controller framework to use as a base
to launch from in developing future projects in an efficient manner, and I'd
like some feedback from anyone who's used one. So I guess this question
splits into 2 threads.

First, what are the pro's and cons to using an established MVC framework in
general, as opposed to using other strategies to split up logic from
presentation? Smarty templates anyone?

Second, what frameworks have you used that you like / dislike? I'm currently
looking into Seagull, after having played with rolling my own for a bit.
Fusebox makes me itchy after briefly looking at the demos and files (the
potentially huge 'controller', and as irrational as it is, the heavy
reliance on passing 'action' variables in the url). I'm mostly looking for
speed, ease of development and deployment, and security.


Eric Rank

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