[nycphp-talk] php surveys

David Yun dyun at
Wed Mar 3 12:31:48 EST 2004

Hello All,

Not sure if this has already been discussed, but does anyone have a
recommendation for a solid, easy-to-implement survey system written in php &
mysql? Or maybe some suggestions on how to structure such an application? I
am not an advanced object-oriented programmer, but I do have a fair amount
of experience writing procedural php websites and lite applications.

I need the ability to:
1. Generate survey questions on the fly, using different formats such as
multiple-choice and short answers
2. Store results in a db and display results
3. Easily alter the look and feel

Thanks and best to all,

David Yun  <dyun at>
Blue Iceberg LLC
Website Development | Strategic Marketing | Business Solutions
Tel: 212.413.9226 Ext.9238  Fax: 212.413.9201

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