[nycphp-talk] using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']

Alan T. Miller amiller at
Fri Mar 5 16:21:26 EST 2004

I have done something simular where I set a session variable to track where
they initially came from the first time they hit the page. As for subsequent
requests, if the session variable is set, I do not have to worry about it.
Not sure though if this would fit your application though.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aaron Fischer" <agfische at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 2:14 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']

> I am working on a page right now that uses HTTP_REFERER to make sure
> that the user is coming from a specific page.  It seems to be working
> pretty well except for one little hiccup involving the back button:
> Scenario:
> The user clicks from the referrer page to my page and is let in OK.
> When they are done they leave and go somewhere else.  However, if they
> choose to hit the back button they are let into my page again.  I would
> like to know how I can prevent this from happening?
> I tried playing around with meta tags like content no-cache and things
> of that sort to prevent the browser from storing in memory but it has
> not had the desired effect.
> So I'd be interested in some tips/pointers on how to prevent the back
> button being able to be used to get back into my page and also
> suggestions if there is a better way than http_referer to accomplish my
> goals of restricting access.
> Thanks,
> -Aaron
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