[nycphp-talk] security, sessions, and encryption

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Tue Mar 16 11:47:35 EST 2004

Hehe, tho' it is getting to be time for lunch I'm not referring to the 

 From, in reference to crypt:
string crypt ( string str [, string salt])

My impression is that the salt is the string that you can provide to 
enable the encryption.  In the case of crypt, if you don't provide one, 
one will be provided for you.

Perhaps this isn't analogous to your RC4 method, as you are prepending 
the random string to the end of the the password and then encrypting...


On Mar 16, 2004, at 11:40 AM, Jim Hendricks wrote:

>> This random alphanumeric string is know as the SALT, correct?
> Honestly, you got me there, I'm not sure what SALT is unless your
> talking the condiment.  My random alphanumeric string is to be used
> as a key for encryption of other data in the system.  If your only need
> is to encrypt the user passwords, then this random alphanumeric
> string is of no benefit to you.

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