[nycphp-talk] NYPHP live cdrom

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Thu Mar 18 12:20:37 EST 2004

jon baer wrote (Re: [nycphp-talk] [ot] Red Hat Fedora - should i upgrade?):

> I always thought [Knoppix] would make for a nice PHP (or NYPHP) distro 
> loaded with more PHP stuff to showcase ...

I'd like to guage interest in a Boot CD distribution produced by NYPHP 
to hand out at conferences and other groups' meetings. On boot it would 
start a fairly loaded AMP rig and expose a number of nifty PHP 
applications on port 80.

By default, the CD would load configs and sample data into a ramdisk, 
but we would provide a control-panel interface to 
enable/disable/configure applications and hook them to remote data 
sources (or even mount remote filesystems via webdav). Instant mirror!

What PHP applications would you want to see on such a disc?

Has anyone created a custom Knoppix distro? FreeBSD also has a Live CD 

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