[nycphp-talk] question re DB_Error (PEAR)

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Mar 19 18:41:55 EST 2004

Hi David:

On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 05:04:43PM -0500, David Mintz wrote:
> again. The native error code is *contained* in the string returned by
> getUserInfo() so in that sense...  nevermind. (-:

Yeah, there's no method/property that contains the DBMS's native error

> I know that PEAR has its own DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS constant and I guess
> that's the equivalent of MySQL's 1062.

Also, keep in mind, that MySQL is the only DBMS that uses that somewhat
vague ALREADY_EXISTS constant.  The others use DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT.  
MySQL can be told to use the universal/correct constant, you can turn on
the DB_PORTABILITY_ERRORS error mapping portability option.


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