[nycphp-talk] PHPackage, install packager.

Joel De Gan joel at
Mon Mar 22 16:07:42 EST 2004

On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 15:35, Chris Snyder wrote:

> - There are problems with escaping " and ' in the fields on the Install 
> settings form

Thanks.. will check the addslashes etc. in that section. (I see what you

> - As a sysadmin, I don't like the single-file, precompiled approach. If 
> a user handed me one of these to install on a server I would decline. Is 
> there a tar.gz option that's a little more transparent?

Part of the idea is to keep it small/simple and packaged in a container.
an application developer could offer standard install and then offer one
of these as a package for the user who wanted a web-based install.

It really boiled down to what I have been wanting to do for some apps I
give out and a way to standardize things and stop those emails asking
about permissions and how to create a mysql database.

Joel De Gan
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