[nycphp-talk] when MySQL "rollback" doesn't

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Mar 23 17:18:05 EST 2004

Hi David:

On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 04:04:30PM -0500, David Mintz wrote:

> classes and objects in PHP4 that I'm running into? I'm working with 4.3.4
> and Win2K and MySQL 4.0.13-max-nt-log.
... snip ...
> btw I have run little tests where I do stuff with the same tables, and
> roll it back, but without using these objects/classes, and it works. So it
> isn't something stupid like wrong table type.

Not to doubt you, but, uh, I guess I will, you're using innodb tables,
right?  Okay, you are.  So, you've got a bug in your code.  Echo out each
query before you execute it.  Make sure the scripts/queries are executing
in the order you expect.  Then, if that doesn't get you no love, go to the
length of copying/pasting the queries in the same order into a MySQL
command line shell.


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