[nycphp-talk] Unit testing

Faber Fedor faber at
Fri Mar 26 21:26:37 EST 2004

On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 05:16:45PM -0800, Chris Hubbard wrote:
> David,
> I do a lot of unit testing.  I've used the PEAR unit test package and, well,
> um.  didn't like it much.  I am using and really really like the Simple_Test
> package.

I haven't used these yet but I'm going to RSN.  Can you compare htme
with CPAN's Test, Test::Simple and Test::Harness (which is what I was
going to use).

BTW, to the fellow who mention that he hasn't gotten Xtreme enough to
write tests first before writing code, I suggest you try it.  It really
does change how you write code and it works very well, IMHO.

BTW, "test first, code second" is the *only* thing I've taken from XP,
so you know I'm not an XP zealot. :-)

> If you want I can send samples.

I'd be interested in seeing those.


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