[nycphp-talk] readfile make single and double quotes odd characters.

leam leam at
Sun Mar 28 19:13:07 EST 2004

Chris Shiflett wrote:
> --- leam <leam at> wrote:
>>I'm using readfile (PHP 4.3.3 on Apache 1.3.29) to read an html 
>>formatted text file. In my browser and in the actual file the
>>single and double quotes are fine, viewed remotely from the host
>>they are odd (
> I don't quite follow what you're explaining here. What looks fine in your
> browser, exactly?
> At first glance, this sounds like Microsoft Word might be involved
> somehow. It replaces single quotes, double quotes, hyphens, and ellipses
> with invalid characters. There is a way to disable this in Word, and I
> seem to recall some software written to substitute the real characters for
> these invalid ones. I can't seem to find it at the moment, however. I'll
> look harder if this is in fact your problem.
> Chris
> =====
> Chris Shiflett -

It was imported by OOo from a probably WP, but in vi(m) it shows as 
apostrophes and in my borwser on the local webserver it shows fine too. 
It's just when putting it "out there" that it comes up with the odd 

Erg, never mind. Not sure but in the transfer from here to there via tar 
and sftp it got changed. Or something in vim isn't showing here that is 
there. The file looks right under vi(m) on the machine I'm developing 
on. After I sftp it up and use vi(m) on the remote machine the odd 
characters are there.



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