[nycphp-talk] readfile make single and double quotes odd characters.

leam leam at
Mon Mar 29 21:18:21 EST 2004

Faber Fedor wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 05:19:11PM -0500, leam wrote:

>>>Could it be the code page/locale that's being used?  DO an 'echo $LANG'
>>>and see what the settings are. I'll bet one is UTF And the other isn't.
>>I'd have to say you're right. Both local boxes are en_US.UTF-8 and the 
>>remote is blank. Can I fix it as a user or do I need to talk to the 
>>hosting people?
> You'll have to talk to the hosting people or change it on your system.
> Oh, and just changing the LANG var won't work, it has to be changed in
> the configuration files and the box rebooted.  Assuming both boxen are
> Red Hat, RH did something very low-level that screws things up.  There
> was a long discussion of this over at the  We never
> figured out what they did, but it affects perl (can I mention that
> language in here? :-) output as well.




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