[nycphp-talk] List of sample credit card numbers

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Wed Mar 31 11:26:32 EST 2004

Doh!  <bright light in my face>

Not sure where I could help on this one as I have no experience with 
any commerce packages and my php skills are pretty rudimentary at the 
moment.  That said, be happy to contribute if you see an opportunity.  

<recedes back into shadows>


On Mar 31, 2004, at 11:21 AM, Jeff Siegel wrote:

> Aaron,
> You volunteering? :)
> Jeff
> Aaron Fischer wrote:
>> I second that.
>> -Aaron
>> On Mar 31, 2004, at 11:04 AM, PUTAMARE wrote:
>>> an overview of the current packages free and otherwise would 
>>> definitely be the kind of thing people on the list would like to 
>>> see.

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