[nycphp-talk] Worst freelance offer of all time!

Phillip Powell phillip.powell at
Wed May 5 12:07:45 EDT 2004

According to CNN/Money, the Great City of New York is not only America's 
most expensive city, it's #11 in the world.

And if you think New York is something, it's like INDIA.. compared to 
Oslo, Norway!!!!

Give you an idea:

McDonald's Happy Meal:

DC: $5
NYC: $6
Oslo: $12.50


Joel De Gan wrote:

>$30!!.. haha, I wish.. Not sure where you are getting your numbers for
>NY rentals.
>try about $61 on a 30 day month for this loft in Chelsea. I chose to
>live in Manhattan though, if I lived in Brooklyn I could get something
>similar for much much less.. NY is one of the most expensive places to
>live. I think San Francisco 'might' actually be more but they have a lot
>of vacancies there and the market got bombed after 2000.
>On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 11:33, Edward Potter wrote:
>>Well, while staying in India, my daily rent for a GREAT apartment was 
>>about .50 cents a day (Rishikesh). Assume living in NYC your rent is 
>>$30 per day. So it's about 1/60 the cost. Thats why the odds are this 
>>vendor may actually get someone for $20 for this project. And why I'd 
>>HIGHLY recommend to any up and coming USA based programmer  to learn 
>>welding. plumbing, or carpentry as a sideline, or at least Java2ME.  

Phil Powell
Multimedia Programmer
ADNET Systems., Inc.
11260 Roger Bacon Drive Suite 403
Reston, VA  20191
#: (703) 709-7218 x107 
Fax: (703) 709-7219


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