[nycphp-talk] has anyone ever used "exif_thumbnail()" PHP 4.3+?

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed May 5 17:18:32 EDT 2004

Phillip Powell wrote:
> The class is being used to literally generate a thumbnail from an 
> existing image.  I read in the PHP manual (see 
> ) that 
> exif_thumbnail() only extracts embedded thumbnail information from a 
> TIFF or JPEG image.

There is your answer, it will *only* work on an image which has an 
*embedded* thumbnail, which is not many images.

You need to look at the GD or NetPBM or ImageMagick functions for 
resizing images if you want to be able to reliably create thumbnails.

> At this point, however, I am receiving nothing into the $thumbStreamObj 
> binary stream string variable; it's "empty" (false):

Your images almost definitely *do not* contain embedded thumbnails.


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