[nycphp-talk] Mac OS X local laptop setup

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri May 14 14:42:59 EDT 2004

Thanks Chris.  I was able to get things going nicely last night by 
doing the following:

In Terminal:
"locate httpd.conf"

bbedit /private/etc/httpd/httpd.conf

and then made the necessary changes in bbedit to enable php.

This page was a helpful resource:

Thank to everyone for their suggestions,


On May 14, 2004, at 12:35 PM, Chris Hubbard wrote:

> Aaron,
> Open up Terminal
> type in:
> cd /etc/httpd/
> then type
> ls -la
> you should see httpd.conf
> if you do, then type:
> sudo vi httpd.conf
> then search for php by typing /php <enter>
> remove the # sign in front of the two lines that contain php.
> you can remove a single character by typing x.  x will remove the 
> character under the cursor.
> when you're done type
> :wq
> then restart Personal Web Sharing
> Chris
> On May 13, 2004, at 1:26 PM, Aaron Fischer wrote:
>> I started Personal Web Sharing and successfully received the Apache 
>> start up page.  However, after running phpinfo(); at it from the 
>> "Sites" folder, it doesn't appear to be running php by default.  I 
>> searched my hard drive for "httpd.conf" and came up with no results.
>> I'm running Panther as well, can you give me a little more detail 
>> where I can find the httpd.conf file?
>> Thanks,
>> -Aaron
>> On May 13, 2004, at 3:22 PM, charlie derr wrote:
>>> To be completely pedantic, it wasn't "quite" ready to go.  On my 
>>> panther (osX 10.3) machine, I had to go into /etc/httpd.conf and 
>>> uncomment these two lines:
>>> #LoadModule php4_module        libexec/httpd/
>>> #AddModule mod_php4.c
>>> After restarting the Personal Web Sharing service, it is indeed all 
>>> set.
>>> 	thanks for this,
>>> 		~c

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