[nycphp-talk] How do you do the equivalent of $PHP_SELF for PHP scripts not in docroot?

Phillip Powell phillip.powell at
Tue May 18 15:43:17 EDT 2004

Joel De Gan wrote:

>On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 15:23, Phillip Powell wrote:
>>Yes and no.  Perhaps my understanding of "config" and "define" are a bit 
>>overcomplicated in my head for me to come up with a simplified version, 
>>so I came up with the complex one, as usual.
>>I created a binary 0644 text CSV file that reads the required globals 
>>and sets them into $_SESSION variables one time shot only.  Problem is 
>>that the CSV file is 0644, a huge security HOLE!  It needs to be 0600, 
>>but then Apache can't read it and the application breaks.  The CSV file 
>>is created via a command-line PHP scripts "install.php" which creates it 
>>in /home/me/scripts/cron and then you have to physically move it to the 
>>docroot, in the same place as index.php
>like so.. why are you messing around with csv files?

The client wants the easiest means possible of inputting necessary data 
(I didn't say the most secure, the easiest), and CSV files can be opened 
up in Excel and edited.

>file config.php
>	define("APPPATH", "/var/www/html/project");
>file app.php
>	include 'config.php';
>	echo APPPATH ."\n";
>bash-2.05b$ php app.php

I can easily write config.php, however, my knowledge of "define" comes 
from the PHP manual, and I see nowhere where it states that anything in 
define() is in a persistent state.  If I run "config.php", I lose all of 
my defined constants, don't I?  And when I go to "index.php" via 
browser, how would it know how to go to config.php if config.php would 
have to reside outside of the docroot?

Again I'm probably overcomplicating this but I can't honestly follow 
your train of logic, though I want to.


Phil Powell
Multimedia Programmer
BPX Technologies, Inc.
#: (703) 709-7218 x107 
Fax: (703) 709-7219


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