[nycphp-talk] How do you do the equivalent of $PHP_SELF for PHP scripts not in docroot?

Phillip Powell phillip.powell at
Tue May 18 16:28:16 EDT 2004

Joel De Gan wrote:

>On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 15:43, Phillip Powell wrote:
>>I can easily write config.php, however, my knowledge of "define" comes 
>>from the PHP manual, and I see nowhere where it states that anything in 
>>define() is in a persistent state.  If I run "config.php", I lose all of 
>>my defined constants, don't I?  And when I go to "index.php" via 
>>browser, how would it know how to go to config.php if config.php would 
>>have to reside outside of the docroot?
>>Again I'm probably overcomplicating this but I can't honestly follow 
>>your train of logic, though I want to.
>just try it.
>if you want to know all your defined constants try the following in a
>echo "<pre>\n";

I tried it, and here are the steps I would have to take to ensure that 
it would work.

The admin guy will do this:

php -q ../install.php

Here is install.php:


    Created: 5/18/2004
    Modified: 5/18/2004
    Purpose: This file will be housed in the /docs document folder for 
the IVC project documentation list and not kept inside the document
             root.  It will generate all necessary global scripts for 
use within the IVC.
            Will be called via command-line PHP and can be set up as a 
cron, if so, move to /cron/[client folder name]/[project folder name].
            Takes two required parameters:

                1) client folder name
                2) project folder name

    Cookies: NONE
    Sessions: NONE
    Privacy Scope: Command-line PHP and not meant to be viewable by web 
  if (!is_file('client_project_folder_info.csv')) {
   $clientFolderName = $argv[1];
   $projectFolderName = $argv[2];
   $contents .= 
   $fileID = @fopen('client_project_folder_info.csv', 'wb');
   @fputs($fileID, $contents); @fflush($fileID); @fclose($fileID);
  @chmod('client_project_folder_info.csv', 0644);
  // BE SURE TO COPY IT MANUALLY INTO /[document root]/[client folder 
name]/[project folder name] DIRECTORY TO BE READ BY index.php

  define('CLIENT_FOLDER_NAME', $clientFolderName);
  define('PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME', $projectFolderName);

And again, I'm not at all following your train of logic.  In 
"index.php", on the docroot, I have this line:

list($clientFolderName, $projectFolderName) = array(CLIENT_FOLDER_NAME, 
require(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 

You go to your browser, open up "index.php" and this is what you see:

*Fatal error*: main(): Failed opening required '' 
(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in */www/html/index.php* on line *64


>joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.
>talk mailing list
>talk at

Phil Powell
Multimedia Programmer
BPX Technologies, Inc.
#: (703) 709-7218 x107 
Fax: (703) 709-7219


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