[nycphp-talk] [OT] Virtual Dedicated Servers

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Thu Nov 4 15:35:48 EST 2004

At 8:02 AM -0800 11/4/04, Michael wrote:
>>you are stuck with Plesk.
>Plesk annoyed the fsck out of me so I removed it. These ease of use 
>tools are not the way to have god like powers over your servers. :)

I suppose I should follow up my post, since this capability would be 
unique to virtual dedicated servers over straight virtual accounts: 
I have root access, and I could do anything I wanted to the account 
(including removing Plesk).

In my case, however, I've chosen not to, because (mt) will basically 
stop giving you support if you have root access and remove Plesk 
(which seems perfectly sensible to me).

As a lone contractor, I don't have time to field support calls from 
my clients, so I choose to work in a way where I can just forward 
their complaints to the Web host, or even tell them to contact them 
directly, unless it is something technically nuanced.

Marc Antony Vose

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin

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