[nycphp-talk] Getting HTTP status code

Emmanuel Décarie emm at
Mon Nov 8 18:30:04 EST 2004


Is it possible under IIS 5 with PHP 4.2.2 running as a CGI to get the
HTTP status code? I'm writing a small function that will create a log of
the requests in the Combined Log Format and to my despair, when I look
at the $_SERVER array, I don't see where is logged the http status code.
I though that I could just look at the raw request string, but I can't
find a way to get it.

I've been all over the web to find a solution. I don't see nothing about
this in these books; PHP Cookbook, Essential PHP Tools, Advanced PHP
Programming, PHP Developer's Cookbook.


Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
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